Your Secret Admirer

Hi Friend,

I hope you and your family are all hanging in there right now, and that everyone near and dear to you, is healthy.

Yesterday, I shared that my Body Light Program is kicking off….TODAY….and that I will be offering rolling starts throughout this week

Today, I have a quick video for you. 

Whether you feel called into the Body Light Program, or not, my intention is that this video will inspire you, and instantly liberate you from feeling stuck in never ending cycles of heaviness on your body; and of all the other areas that we normalize as part of age, or stress…..

Because this is the story of your unrequited love affair. 

And I hope today, you simply understand that you have a secret admirer that has been courting you for much of your life.

This secret admirer is desperately trying to get your attention. They are inviting you out, EVERY single DAY, all day long….….

Simply in learning WHO this is, what they want to share with you, and choosing to go on a first date, is the key to solving your food paralysis, the heaviness on your body, and vaporizing your stress and anxiety in only 10 days.

Your Secret Admirer’s bids for your attention are their very invitations.

But, here’s the thing! 

These ‘symptoms’ of unhappiness, or lack of health, or weight on our bodies, is not going to go away until we open the invitation – whether it’s by text, dating app, or phone call… 

…and we RSVP and show up!

Before we say yes, we want to know, WHO it is, exactly that is inviting us out?? Do they know any of our Facebook friends? And if so, do our friends approve of them? 

This is a host, that If only you knew, you would never turn away.

For, it is you & the depths of your deepest self, divine woman!

The part of you that wants to unleash radical vitality, so that you can step into your full luminous, most radiant self that turns heads everywhere you go, because there is an inexplicable lightness in, and around, your very BEING.

You see, a woman in touch with her light, activates thousands of other’s lights, by simply BEING who she IS….

In the grocery store. With her family. Her children….At the office. In her community… 

She has a palpable fusion of radiance and inspiration. She walks into a room and elevates it with her beautiful, light-filled energy!

This journey begins with the physical, which is the doorway IN to the deeper depths! 

Your Secret Admirer is your one and only dear Body! And here’s what your beautiful body wants you to know….

More than anything, it deeply desires a relationship with you. You are, after all, it’s main and only squeeze. It’s here with you, for life, literally carrying you through this life.

Yet, it laments, that in spite of all of its communication, and all the ways, it tries to keep you going every day…it feels ignored and neglected.

It feels terrible about the ways it is failing you. And it is not trying to punish you. Far from it! 

It’s just that it has BIG work to do and it’s pulling all of the “weight”, in this one-way relationship.

So it’s telling you, “hey, I”m really trying to hang on here, and I hope your unhappiness with where I’m failing you, is going to be a silver lining to the beginning of our beautiful romance.

It’s begging you to know that if you simply listen to what it’s trying to share with you, this barrage of life dulling symptoms, can disappear almost overnight.

Your Secret Admirer, your BODY, wants more than anything to do right by BOTH of you, so it can serve you, for your full throttle life.

It wants to show you exactly how to:

  • Go from popping sleep supplements to no avail, that leave you fogged out, and still not sleeping, to sleeping like a queen, all night long, FREE from pills, and waking refreshed, inspired and on top of your day, instead of overwhelmed
  • Reverse any and all pain, in only 10 days, even if you have been considering going under the knife to resolve an old injury. (Your body wants to spare itself as much as you!)
  • Free you, FULLY, from the overwhelm that consumes both of you so that you can shave 10-15 hours off of your work each week, by going from foggy and slow, to total flow….
  • Let GO of the weight WITH your body, instead of working AGAINST it.

Your Dear Body, wants all of this and MORE, and is saying:

”If you hear me, and go out with me, I’m pretty confident you’ll like me, as much as I like you!” 

You may even wonder, where I’ve been your whole life and how you ever lived without knowing me! 

At this point, we have two paths…..

The first path is what I call…. 

….the Knight in Shining Armor path

This is the path we usually take where we follow the latest fad, or trend, that worked for someone else.

In this path, we never understand the invitation before us and we give our power away. Again. To try to lose weight. Unsuccessfully. 

Or we have another option.

It’s probably one we’ve never explored before, where we acknowledge WHO is inviting us out

Our bod! 

We answer their text. Say YES. And go out on our first date! 

Are you ready to say YES, to this secret admirer of yours??

Are you ready to first hear all the ways that your beautiful beloved body is inviting you out to get to know it? 

The recognition of these invitations instantly match-makes you and your Dear Body, for the relationship of your lifetime!

If you are ready, to hear the call, to adventure through life, loving your body, and all it wants to do FOR you WITH you, then I invite you to book a FREE call with me to learn more.

Or to DISCOVER the exact ways YOUR beautiful body is speaking to YOU, watch this video, and instantly recognize YOUR bodies invitations.

So much love, to you and your beautiful Body, who this year in particular, more than ever, is HERE, summoning you, into next level health, vitality, radiance, and living in a Body Light!

Your body matchmaker ?


Kim Love

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